Literary Dream Machine

The Literary Dream Machine is a capsule dispenser filled with colourful crowd-sourced contributions of poetry, short stories, and more!

The Dream Machine will pop up at events across Devon - Including
The Book Market! - where folks can make a donation to crank the key and receive a bite-sized gift of words.

About the Literary Dream Machine

Lend us a lyric. Handover a Haiku. Post us a poem. Send us a sentence… We’re looking for some little literary contributions to stock our Literary Capsule Vending Machine.

Submissions need to fit on a small piece of paper - so poetry, haikus, recipes, quotes, and words of wisdom, and excerpts are recommended as submissions. Contributions can be anonymous or credited if writers want to signpost to more of their work.

Contributions them go into capsules which are available at events across Devon, such as Loves Things Art Fair and The Book Market! Attendees have the opportunity to receive the donated words when making a donation and turning the key to the machine.

Want to contribute to the Literary Dream Machine?

Your donation of words may appear at future Literary Dream Machine pop-ups across Devon in capsule form! See some examples of the kinds of submissions we have received for inspiration to the right.


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