Exeter UNESCO City of Literature, Devon & Exeter Institution (DEI), and Rough Trade Books have partnered on an author series called Rough Trade Books presents… exploring contemporary topics in an atmosphere of idea exchange, conversation, and connection.
This series will brought renowned and innovative authors to Exeter in dialogue with experts from Devon, as well as the event attendees in an intimate, beautiful setting in DEI’s library.
Bookbag - Exeter’s only independent bookshop - were on hand to sell books, zines, and pamphlets at the events.
After Rough Trade Books presents… ends, the events will be transcribed and designed into a Rough Trade Books pamphlet with Rough Trade Books award-winning design team Office of Craig and Exeter College students working in collaboration. It will be available for sale at DEI and independent bookshops.
2023 is the year of Rough Trade Books’ 5th year anniversary and this series forms part of the many events that are taking place to celebrate this independent publisher.
Photo: supplied by author
Photo: Supplied by author, credit Robin Christian
Photo: Supplied by author, credit Tara Darby