Have you ever wanted to read James Joyce’s Ulysses? Lots of people would love to read this fantastic book and many have got as far as picking it up, opening it even, reading the first chapter then running in the opposite direction!
Exeter-based Riversmeet believe that it is probably the greatest novel written in the 20th century, and with a little help you will be able not only to read it but to enjoy it. Following on from the Slow Food and Slow Fashion movements, the Ulysses course takes a Slow Reading approach.
At the start of each fortnightly unit you receive a video introduction (and other relevant supporting material) to a section of the book. At the end of the fortnight there is an optional zoom discussion group. We continue in this pattern for each of the 18 sections of the book until we reach ‘Bloomsday’ on 16 June 2022.
The next course starts in September 2021.
£120. Online.
If you have questions or would like to hear from someone who did last year’s course, please email info@riversmeetproductions.co.uk
Accessibility Statement: The content of this course is available online and the live sessions are held via zoom. We would be very happy to discuss our course content with individuals to make it accessible to their needs. We are currently reviewing how we can make the content more accessible through audio description and subtitling.